Twin transition – how digital and sustainable are German companies?
To remain competitive, companies need to work more efficiently and sustainably at the same time. Here’s where twin transition comes into play, integrating sustainability into digital transformation strategies. Learn what over 250 company executives had to say about navigating the challenges and changing demands of the German market and the world around them.

About the survey
"Twin transition – how digital and sustainable are German companies?" is a survey by Futurice in cooperation with the market research institute YouGov.
The infographic shows the challenges and opportunities of a transformation that integrates sustainability into digital transformation strategies. It also determines the current status quo in companies, what is still missing on the path to the twin transition, and what added value companies see in it. More than 250 executives from the automotive, IT and healthcare sectors were surveyed in April/May 2023.
About YouGov
YouGov is an internationally active market and opinion research institute based in London, which was founded in 2000. Over 1,650 people work for YouGov worldwide. The institute conducts surveys mainly in the form of online panels for companies, organisations, state authorities or governments. In Germany, YouGov is best known for its representative surveys before important elections.